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Christmas Decorating Blog

The best bit of being a Christmas tree decorator

The best bit of being a Christmas tree decorator

People often ask how we got into professional tree decorating in the first place, and the answer to that is quite simple - we love Christmas!

However, a better question is “what do we like best about installing decorated Christmas trees as a seasonal job?”

We spend roughly three months of every year having a festive sabbatical from our “real” jobs as accountants and being Christmas elves is so fun for us it’s hard to know where to start.

The WOW factor

One of the big drivers for us here at Christmas Creatives is sharing the festive spirit and the excitement that we feel every year as Christmas approaches, and there is one moment that sums it all up for us. It’s that WOW! we get from clients when they see the beautiful Christmas tree that we have decorated for them. Even on a tough day (and yes Christmas elves have them too), that moment makes it all worthwhile for us.

Making Christmas easy for you

Another part of sharing the festive spirit is making things easy for our clients. Everyone would like Christmas to be a happy, stress free time, but often the reality is a bit different.  Whether it is in the office, at home, or while setting up for a function or event, bringing us in as Christmas decorators can relieve a lot of stress, and make your Christmas more enjoyable. We also like to think that our personal approach plays a part in this. Like we said, we love the festive season (we aren’t joking about being Christmas elves) and spreading Christmas cheer is part of the whole package for us.

Realising your Christmas dreams

There is a real sense of achievement to be had from talking with our clients about festive concepts and ideas and turning this into a reality through a big and professionally decorated Christmas tree. Whether it’s an office Christmas tree for a big business, a tree and other decorations for a function or event, or beautiful Christmas trees to go in foyers and reception areas, we pride ourselves on producing trees that give the client what they want, but also that fit in well with their surroundings, and look amazing.

Bringing quality back to Christmas

It might seem strange, given how commercial and disposable Christmas is these days, but sustainability is important to us too. Sustainability is the proper term for it, but usually we just think about it as going back to doing Christmas the traditional, old fashioned way.

We reckon that using a Christmas tree rental service is a good solution to some of the waste that Christmas seems involve these days. We only buy commercial grade, high quality trees, and decorations. That way we know they are going to be able to be re-used for multiple years at Christmas Creatives. We also tend to steer clear of cheap plastic that will break. As Christmas decorators we do cutting-edge modern styles, but ensure that we can reuse the decorations for years to come.

Spreading the Christmas spirit

Finally, we really like that we can use what we do to give back to our community and help raise money for a good cause. Every year, as well as renting out beautiful Christmas trees, we get very involved with the Cystic Fibrosis Wellington Christmas Tree Festival, held at Wellington Airport.

We first entered the festival in 2012, and we were voted winning tree! In 2019 we scooped second place, and for years now we’ve done a lot more than just decorate our own tree, but that is worth a whole separate blog, so check back here to find out how else we get involved.

So, there you have it, some of what we think are the best bits of being a professional Christmas tree decorator. A wise person once said, ‘Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life’, now, how can we make Christmas last all year?