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How to choose the right size decorated Christmas tree

How to choose the right size decorated Christmas tree

It’s important to get the size of your Christmas tree right for the space that it is going into, and while on our website we describe our Christmas tree rentals by their height, there is a bit more than just that to consider.  

If the tree is too small, it will be swamped by its surrounding and loose its impact. At the other end of the scale, a tree that is too big might still fit in the space height-wise but could cause other problems that make it a festive flop.

So what do you have to think about to get a tree that is well matched to your space?

What height of Christmas tree works for you?

First up you need to consider the height of decorated Christmas tree that will work for you.

For some reason, ours is one of those sectors where people revert to measuring in feet, so if you want to hire a Christmas tree, we offer 6 foot (2.05m), 7-8 foot (2.13-2.44m), 9-10 foot (2.74-3.05m) and 12 foot (3.66m) trees.

If you have a look at the booking section of the Christmas Creatives website, you can see graphics of the different height trees we do, with an average height person next to them, to give you a better idea of how they will fit in your space. It is also a good idea to get a tape measure out and check exactly how tall the potential tree location is. Having a tree that touches the ceiling, or worse, doesn’t fit the space at all, would certainly be a talking point in your office or at your work xmas function, but as professional Christmas decorators, we aren’t going to let that happen!

How much space can the tree take up?

Once you know what height of tree you can fit in your space, it is time to consider how much space, especially floor area, the tree is going to take up. Sure, the reception area or foyer at your office might be two stories high, and a 12 foot Christmas tree might look amazing, but if people have to squeeze past it to get to where they are going it isn’t going to be a hit. As a rule of thumb, we find that 8ft Christmas trees generally work well in standard height reception areas, or if space is an issue, then a 6ft tree on an elevated platform also works really well.

Our trees can vary a bit in diameter at the bottom, even if they are the same height, so if you have got a space with constraints other than just the height, then it is best to discuss that with us as part of the process of sharing your vision of the perfect Christmas tree rental with us and booking a tree.

What about real Christmas trees?

If getting a real tree is a big part of the Christmas tradition for you, but you would still like the flexibility and benefits that come when you hire Christmas decorations, then we can help. For lovers of real Christmas trees, we do boxes of decorations that include everything you need to make your tree look stunning. Check out our website or contact us to get more information.

Any questions?

We love to talk to people about how we can help them with beautiful Christmas trees so if you have any other questions about choosing the perfect sized tree for your office, function or home, don’t hesitate to contact us.

How using a professional Christmas decorator makes the festive season easier

How using a professional Christmas decorator makes the festive season easier

Shortening the Christmas to-do list

The easier and less stressful the run up to Christmas is, the more you will enjoy the holiday itself, right? Getting a rental Christmas tree from Christmas Creatives ticks at least four things off your festive to-do list months before you even start thinking about all the other things you have to do.

To start the process, you tell us about the space you want to put your tree in and we talk through a vision of the perfect decorated Christmas tree. Then we send through some examples of different tress and styles of decorations. You choose the one you like best, and book it on our website.

That’s the hard bit done at your end. We deliver and instal the tree on the chosen date, do all the decorating and spread some Christmas cheer in the process. Then you get to enjoy your dream tree for the entire Christmas season. At the end of the hire period, we come back, remove the decorations, pull down and pack away the tree and clean up any left-over bits of glitter or tinsel. Easy!

Get a different look every year

Regardless of whether you are a dedicated follower of Christmas fashion, or are getting a bit tired of using the same old decorations every year, Christmas tree hire is the solution. We have a huge stock of different sized trees and all styles and types of high-quality Christmas decorations. That means when you get us in as your Christmas decorators, we can replicate the latest decoration you’ve seen online or in magazines, or we can just make sure you get a different, beautiful Christmas tree every year.

Don’t forget you can just hire Christmas decorations off us by the box full if you’ve got your own tree, or like getting a real Christmas tree in every year. Check out the website or contact us for more information.

Keeping Christmas special

We love Christmas, but we’re not big on the disposable, throwaway aspects that have crept in over the last few decades. We only buy the highest quality, professional Christmas trees and decorations, and we keep using them year after year. If you rent your Christmas tree or decorations off us, it means you don’t have to throw out old trees or decorations and go shopping for new ones every few years. That’s a win for everyone.